Thursday 23 September 2010

Don´t look cheap, look cool. You´ll save on therapy...

For most of us, our biggest expenses are housing, bills, transport and food.

To combat the first three of the major expenses, the simplest solution it to go green – firstly because instead of thinking you are tight, people admire your efforts to care for the planet. Switching the lights off? Saving the planet. (Or romantic, depending on the company…) Thumbing a lift? Saving the planet. Turning the heating down? Also, saving the planet. Living in a yurt in the back of beyond? Saving the planet, and so cheap you wouldn’t believe it.

There are several ways to save money by going green, but first of all we have to look at the timescale – how long do you think the crisis is going to last? Many money saving devices require a significant investment, and as the general consensus is that the crisis will soon be over, most of us are relying on tightening our belts and keeping our heads down till its all over. Unfortunately this is already being proven to be a dangerous strategy, as very few people or businesses have the recourses to outlast a financial crisis of this magnitude. The information and advice provided here really ought, if followed, prevent you falling victim to your own personal financial disaster.

If the crisis is going to affect you financially during the coming year, the justifiable inversion is much less than if the crisis were to affect you during the coming five years. But then again, an inversion in something that will save you money is still an inversion. The problem is, if you are looking at this site, you probably don’t have any money at all, so let’s focus on things that don’t require any inversion at all. Ok, ok, a tiny bit of inversion, it’s worth it.

If you are going to make any sort of inversion, you will be needing some money. This particular commodity is particularly difficult to obtain even at the best of times.
The most common method is to become an employee. This is often easier said that done – some of us are terminally unemployed, others cannot work or have a very restrictive timetable as they have children and such like. Some of us are too old, others to young, some are under qualified, and others yet are over qualified, and as up to 50% of the working population is looking for work, employers have their pick. The chances of you being their choice are pretty slim. You should do all you can to improve your CV, including begging on you knees for help if necessary – chances are someone you know can give some wise advice if they ever get round to it. I believe in pester power. Truly and deeply and fervently. Not pressure, pester.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

How to earn more and spend less…

We’re still busy wallowing in the middle of a massive financial crisis, no matter what the politicians say – I KNOW that I have no money, and that it is virtually impossible to find a decent job. The crisis isn’t over till you and I are earning a living. I would like to improve your chances of survival in the mean time by offering you some money saving and money making ideas. If nothing else it will help while away the hours of unemployment…

The first thing do do, is reduce expenses to the bare minimum. Easier said than done – we all like to eat a little now and then, and personally, I truly believe a roof over ones head to be necessary to my survival.
If your money disappears faster that a Chanel frock in Oxfam, it might be worth noting down every penny that leaves your pocket for a week or so. Hauling out the notebook, searching for a pen etc. each and every time you make a purchase will really put you off buying even the most essential items that you should see a significant drop in the expenses column form the very start.

If the act of noting down your outgoings is not enough in its self, you will have to take more drastic steps. Start by making a careful study of your notes. Count up the total for the week, and compare it to your weekly income (if you don’t have a weekly income at present, I strongly recommend you suspend all spending activities until the situation has been satisfactorily rectified). In the event that your weekly spending exceeds your weekly income, you must set your self to work immediately.

Remeber - you have two options – one is to decrease your spending, the other is to increase your income. I recommend you do both.

Have a good look at your spending book, and see if you can spot any obvious expenses, such as a holiday in Hawaii, a new car, or perhaps something as simple as an electric toothbrush. If money is tight, get used to being tight yourself – stay at home and watch telly – it´s free! Drive a banger, or if circumstances permit, get a bike, or walk – that way you get you exercise for free, as with brushing your teeth manually. Check out those biceps!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Money Money Money

Do you have no money? Are you feeling blue? It´s time to get up off your well rested posterior and get to work. Amongst the entertaining drivel in this blog, you will find some well polished gems to help you spend less and earn more. It not how hard you work, it´s how you work, where you work, and what works for you. Your money penny maid is a self confessed wasted. My ultimate aim in life is not to work - or at least, not in a proper job. So seatbelts on, and prepare yourselves for a ride to riches, or perhaps just a genteel spin around the block, which ever turns you on.